
Comments are active but differently this time

CommentBox was not fit for purpose, particularly because it makes you register to leave a comment, it asks for your "Full Name" when you register, and then it exposes that name when you comment.

I'm trying Komments now. I've got two comment boxes: one for replying to posts (any post), and one for asks. Links are at the bottom, below the post. You don't need to register for anything.

The difference between comments and asks is that I won't "approve" the asks, so they won't show up on the Komments page, I'll just write a post replying to them if I want to.

also: I kinda admire how Komments is so 2004-core that it's got a perforated line and a drop shadow

Comments on this post

echo-parallax wrote:

That's a really good point re. CommentBox! It has display names, but the name can't be changed after a comment is made... which is an opsec issue.

CassMakesGames wrote:

i love this comment system! i've been trying to figure out i could easily add comments to my static blog without having to learn web dev or force people to make accounts and this looks like a great way to do it, especially because there's no way for a spam comment to make it to the original post page. i'm so glad comments can still exist in this post-cohost world!

#blog meta